Time flies, but with Newgate Clocks, you’ll want to keep an eye on every passing second. The British label was founded in 1990 by Jim and Chloe Read, and ever since, has brought charm and character into modern spaces with its array of railway station-inspired wall clocks and retro desk creations.
Using clocks as a canvas for creativity, the brand had one mission: to make clocks great again. Turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, they bring time to the forefront with striking digital displays, elegant mantel clocks, and vintage-inspired wall designs. You can enjoy quiet tranquillity with the reliable quartz silent sweep movements or ensure you’re never late to the office again with easy-wake-up-call alarm clocks.
Newgate Clocks have been setting the pace for decades, so tick-tock, it’s about time you gave your walls the attention they deserve and explore the latest Newgate Clocks here at END.